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Nathaniel Hackett Fired From The Denver Broncos

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Access Unlocked Monday December 26, 2022 After coaching fifteen (15) games and a record of 4-11 with the Denver Broncos, head coach Nathaniel Hackett has been let go.

CEO and Bronco’s owner Greg Penner had the following to say, “On behalf of our ownership and organization, I want to thank Nathaniel Hackett for his dedication as head coach of the Denver Broncos.”  “We sincerely appreciate Nathaniel’s efforts and wish him and his family all the best in the future.

With only two (2) games left in the season, Senior assistant Jerry Rosburg will serve as the Broncos’ interim coach, this comes after defense coach Ejiro Evero turned down the position.  Evero wants to finish out the year coaching defense.

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